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Bruce Springsteen’s 30 best songs ranked

Few artists have had a career with as much staying power—and as much cultural and musical relevance—as the Boss

Music Features Bruce Springsteen
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Bruce Springsteen’s 30 best songs ranked
Bruce Springsteen performs onstage in 1984 Bruce Springsteen performs onstage in 1984:

Back in September 2023, Bruce Springsteen announced that he would have to shelve his planned tour until March 2024 so he could recover from peptic ulcer disease. The temporary retreat shouldn’t be seen as a harbinger for the metaphoric end of the road for the rocker—all the pictures of the 74-year-old Springsteen show him looking spry and vigorous—yet the occasion of a pause in performance gave us the perfect opportunity to look back at his career.

Selecting 30 essential Bruce Springsteen songs could be seen as a fool’s errand. His body of work is one of the richest in rock history, comprised of classic albums and anthems that still are commonly heard decades after their original release. In addition to his core catalog, he also had a wealth of unreleased gems, some of which trickled out in concert or on B-sides or in reissues. Given this volume of work, it’s inevitable that some standards and hits didn’t make the cut. This list suggests Springsteen’s range and depth by balancing sublime epics, earthy rockers, and heart-rending ballads.


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