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Hacks scene-stealer Megan Stalter gets her own movie in the Cora Bora trailer

Stalter stars opposite Manny Jacinto, Margaret Cho, and Jojo T. Gibbs in the Hannah Pearl Utt-directed dramedy

Film News Megan Stalter
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Hacks scene-stealer Megan Stalter gets her own movie in the Cora Bora trailer
Megan Stalter Megan Stalter:

Anyone who’s watched a few episodes of HBO’s excellent, very funny Hacks has already been exposed to the comedic wrecking ball style of Megan Stalter, who manages to steal pretty much every scene she shows up in as devotedly incompetent agents’ assistant/boss’ daughter Kayla. Now, Stalter—who also appeared in this year’s Julio Torres feature Problemista—is getting a chance to go center stage, courtesy of a starring role in Hannah Pearl Utt’s new film Cora Bora, trailer to follow… now!

Cora Bora (2024) Official Trailer

The dramedy follows Stalter as Cora, a would-be Los Angeles success story who appears to be very much in Stalter’s wheelhouse—which is to say that she’s trying to fake-it-’til-you-make-it to a near-pathological extent, even as her beloved girlfriend (Jojo T. Gibbs) is slipping away from her back in Portland. Utt fills out the cast with a number of comedy ringers, including Darrell Hammond, Margaret Cho, and The Good Place star Manny Jacinto as a guy who apparently keeps finding himself in Cora’s path.

Really, though, you’re either here for Stalter or you aren’t, as she busts back into her own life with a blend of self-awareness and lack-thereof, and (to quote the press copy, because sometimes you just have to) “soon realizes it’s much more than her love life that needs salvaging.” The film had its debut at SXSW back in 2023, where it got largely positive reviews (and even the negative ones couldn’t deny Stalter’s energy and charisma). The film arrives in theaters on June 14.

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